Write-up: heaven (CrackMe)

Hash: 64f1f77ad931496abf90951d (from crackmes.one)

Launching the exe in IDA, I got the following decompiled function:

This is the main function!
This is the main function!

From here I can see that it expects a password. Following those functions sub_* shows some complex codes, so I decided to debug it by passing a random string.

sub_* functions
sub_* functions

The code seems to be changing itself based on the inputs, more specifically at loc_4016CE. But the only registers that are changed via the password input are eax and ebx. I started the program passing a string consisting of 29 A characters. At loc_4016C5, eax and ebx look like this:


When al is equal to bl, a “hidden” code seems to be executed, which jumps back to the beginning of the loop. With that in mind, I made the following logic:

F9h (set-point, al value) - D8h (A input, bl value) = 21h

A + 21h = b (this seems to be the first letter of the password)

Having a breakpoint at loc_4016C5, I checked the values of al and bl based on the input of multiple b characters. The results are shown below:

Input char Set-Point (al) Input (bl) Diff (al - bl) Char output (Input char + Diff)
A F9h D8h 21h b
b AFh 9Fh 10h r
b N/A N/A 00h b
b B4h 9Bh 19h {
b 75h 6h4 11h s
b 1Ch 0A 12h t
b 86h 86h -01h a
b A2h 9Bh 07h i
b 6Eh 5Eh 10h r
b 97h 9Ah -03h _
b CCh BCh 10h r
b 8Ah 87h 03h e
b A6h 94h 12h t
b CAh CDh -03h _
b 9Fh 8Ah 15h w
b 6Dh 6Eh -01h a
b EEh D7h 17h y
b 20h 23h -03h _
b 98h 86h 12h t
b 99h 8Ch 0Dh o
b 80h 83h -03h _
b 3Fh 39h 06h h
b 7Dh 7Ah 03h e
b 65h 66h -01h a
b C1h ADh 14h v
b F6h F3h 03h e
b BCh B0h 0Ch n
b 84h 69h 1Bh }

And this is the output of the program when passing the correct password:

Good job!
Good job!